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A penetration test, more commonly known as a ‘Pen Test’ or ‘Ethical Hacking’, is a simulated attack on a computer system with the intention of finding security weaknesses that could be exploited.
Penetration tests and vulnerability assessments we are providing offer an independent view of your existing security processes. It also help establish whether critical processes such as patching and configuration management have been followed correctly.

Once the Penetration Test project is completed, You will achieve the following goals:
ㆍCompliance with relevant standards and regulations
ㆍIdentification of weak points requiring urgent action
ㆍPlanning of security treatment from the perspective of risk assessment (optional)

※ Related international standards and regulations
ㆍISO/IEC 27002:2013 : A12.6 Technical Vulnerability Management
ㆍPCI-DSS Requirements: Requirement 11.3: Regularly test security systems and processes
ㆍEU GDPR Regulation: Article 32 Security of Processing
ㆍRwanda RURA Regulation: Article 21 Vulnerability Assessment



In international standards such as ISO, ITU, USA NIST, EU ENISA and NATO CCD-COE, the type of network security threat is divided into internal threat, external threat, and privileged threat.
External Threat:  occurs when someone outside your network creates a security threat to your network
Internal Threat:  occurs when someone from inside your network creates a security threat to your network
Privileged Threat: occurs when someone from privileged inside your network creates a security threat to your network



Penetration Testing consists of 5 phases from Discovery to Reporting. Depending on the Penetration Test Topic, many testing techniques are used in the detailed steps of each phase.


Penetration Test Type :
External Penetration Test

Attack target : 
A website for registering and managing SSN, Passport, etc. information of all citizens

Testing Results
Remotely takeover Web administrator privileges and all DBMS Administrator's privileges of the target system via the Internet

Attack Narrative
Remotely takeover Web administrator privileges and all DBMS Administrator's privileges of the target system via the Internet
a. Check opened TCP / 8580 with port scanning
b. Vulnerability Information search for ‘JBoss JMX Console'(TCP/8580)
c. Exploit Code Development (CVE-2010-0738)
d. Exploit Code injection, and remote login
e. Upload and execute Web shells(war file) with the Console Administrator privileges
f. Web Console and DBMS administrator's authority takeover

Cause of attack success
- Open ‘JBoss JMX Console' service port
- ‘JBoss JMX Console' patch not available



Penetration Test Type :
- Specific-theme Penetration Test
- Tested employee's security awareness by randomly distributing CD with inserted malicious code in office
Attack target : 
Any employee at headquarters

Testing Results
Malicious code is inserted and randomly distributed CD is executed on its own PC, so that about 72% of employees infected with malicious code are collected in the logger server

Attack Narrative
Remotely takeover Web administrator privileges and all DBMS Administrator's privileges of the target system via the Internet
a. Consultation for test scenario with a person in charge of client
b. Malicious code development and safety testing with Excel file
c. Insert malicious code into the CD entitled "2016 Internal Personnel Assessment Results"
d. Developed Logger Server to collect infected PC information
e. Randomly distribute a specially-produced CD to the head office
f. Monitoring infection records on Logger server for 1 week
g. Collecting Infection PC Information from the Logger Server
h. Infection information analysis(by host, organizational unit) on the Logger Server

Cause of attack success
- Lack of information security awareness on treatment of removable media of employees

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